Learning Log No. 39


8th Grade
This year we tried new curriculum for literature and language arts. For the most part, I did like the language arts and literature programs. We stuck with Saxon Math and found by the end of the year that it was overwhelming for me in how many problems each lesson has. We did some social studies and science units that we found enjoyable.

Next year, I will be attending Kings Peak High School in the Virtual Jordan School District as well as taking Seminary in person at Stansbury High School. I hope that by having different teachers for different subjects that I can put more of an effort into my school work and have a little more structure and social interaction.


6th Grade
We tried a new math program this year and really liked it. CLE math had short lessons and lots of repeated practice for mastery. We found it to be enough work without being overwhelming. We focused on grammar this year by doing daily Fix-It Grammar sentences. I have improved my grammar and writing skills.

Next year, I will be attending Kelsey Peak Middle School in the Virtual Jordan School District. I will still take classes virtually, but I hope that by having different teachers that I will put my best effort into my work. We have enjoyed doing MyTechHigh for these last 3 years!


3rd Grade
Because of MyTechHigh, I was able to explore my interests and start taking gymnastic lessons. I have improved my strength and love of gymnastics this year. I was introduced to multiplication and division this year in math. I have improved my grammar and writing skills as well.

Next year, I will be attending Rocky Peak Elementary School in the Virtual Jordan School District. I will be taking classes virtually still, but have a new teacher and classmates to interact with. I think this will be a good challenge and balance for me.

We are grateful for the opportunities MyTechHigh has given us for the past three years!