Learning Log No. 19 – 21


After our holiday break, we started our normal homeschool schedule again. We began by practicing the multiplication facts with our Times Tales stories. My sister Layla and I do a competition to see who can answer the facts first with our flash cards. I was one card away from winning our first round! We were both really close!


We are back to our normal school schedule after the holiday break. I have been working on my CTC Math lessons on my own now. I am able to independently work on my math without much help, so I am enjoying it more. I also like to compete with my brother, Eli, on our multiplication facts. The Times Tales program is working well for memorization of multiplication!


I have a lot of new books to read from Christmas. I have read through some of our new Pig the Pug books. My favorite book is one of a pig and a pug that are best friends called Thunderpug! Pigs are my favorite animal and I love pugs, too! I also worked on reading words ending in -ed for Language Arts.
