Learning Log No. 36


I am still working on finishing my Big Life Journal that we do on Fridays. I have quite a few pages left, so we need to do more than one page now so we can finish it! The Big Life Journal has me write my interests, strengths, weaknesses and other things about me and how I can grow. It also has stories to read about other kids and their challenges and successes.


This past week, I played with Legos for my building elective. I like to follow the booklet on how to build things one time, then I like to do my own thing! I created a house for my Lego girls to play in with my sister, Madelyn. It was fun to create things on my own! There is a Lego set to create a cute bear with a bow. I like to keep that one put together because it's so cute!


I have less work to do these days since I have finished a good amount of my curriculum. I have been playing and building Legos with my sister, Layla, for my building elective. Sometimes we have to separate the Legos because we fight over who gets to have the special pieces like the wheels and windows!
