Learning Log No. 38


With our homeschool work wrapping up, we have Math and Handwriting left to do along with our electives. Math is going okay for me. I don't like Handwriting very much because I do not like to write in cursive. I am hoping to skip Handwriting next year and work on something else. I do have a pencil with a special grip to help me write neater. I think it has worked okay.


I have 2 more lessons in Math to be completed! I am learning to read line and bar graphs. They are pretty easy for me to do. My last two lessons are about Statistics and Probability. It doesn't sound too exciting, but I am excited to be done with Math for this year. I do have Handwriting and Reading to do still. Since it is getting warmer, we have been jumping on our trampoline more for "PE"!


I am finishing up my Math Mammoth First Grade curriculum. The last thing to learn in the workbook is counting money! I did more practice with counting dimes and nickels. I will continue that tomorrow and then work on counting quarters! I think counting money is more fun than just adding up numbers. I am pretty good at it!
