Learning Log No. 22


8th Grade
I caught up on math this week, learning about geometric shapes and simplifying problems. I plan to find new things to print on my 3D printer and learn about prepping the print and maintaining the 3D printer. It is fun to find new things to print on Thingiverse. They have lots of models to print.


6th Grade
I am continuing to read The Clockmaker's Son for language arts. I am on chapter 8 of the story. I did spelling work this week as well as catching up on my math lessons. I am practicing measuring angles and rays. This week, I had my eyes tested and will be getting glasses in 2 weeks so I can see things further away.


3rd Grade
I am back at gymnastics and having lots of fun! It was even warm enough for me to ride my bike and jump on the trampoline this week. I had a spelling test and missed 2 words. I am finishing up my math lessons by practicing my times tables.
