Learning Log No. 30


I am learning about Julius Caesar in History. We listened to Story of the World on how he was a dictator in Rome. He fought in many wars. I learned about how he was assassinated by people who he thought were his friends, like Brutus. One of Caesar's sayings was, "I came, I saw, I conquered," but it's more fun to say in Latin, "Veni, Vidi, Vici!"


In Science, I learned about constellations. I love looking at stars at night when my dad and I take our dog outside for a break before bed. We also played a gamed called Starlink. It is like Pictionary, except you can only draw straight lines using the stars on the board. It is hard to draw pictures using only straight lines. I try to look for constellations in the sky at night now.


This week in Math, I am learning about telling time with a "real" clock! I am learning phrases like "half past 2" and "a quarter to 2". I am learning it all quickly so I can know the time when I see a clock. I learned about the minute and hour hand in other lessons, which helped me learn these time phrases.
