Learning Log No. 31


This week, Layla and I played with our matching mBlock robots! Here is a video of the robot following the black line all on its own. It is pretty fun to play with. If I use remote control mode, it will control both robots in the same room. We did a 'train' with the robots and controlled both at one time. I am excited to try coding with the app!


For Tech class, we built my mBlock robot buddy! Mine is the same as Eli's but pink. It has different modes - obstacle avoiding, following black lines, and (my favorite) remote control! It flashes different colors depending on the mode it's on. We will try using the app to code different movements this coming school week.


Last week in school, on Friday, I worked in my Big Life Journal. I wrote things that I am grateful for that: I can share, I can use, and I can see. I usually write or draw pictures of my dad or my baby brother because I am most grateful for them! I am also grateful for pencils to write and draw with, and art projects to make and share!
