Learning Log No. 32


I had fun playing with my mBot robot for Tech class. It is kind of hard to control when my sister's robot is nearby. It is fun to watch it zoom around and then avoid obstacles by itself! Our dog likes to bark at it because she thinks it is after her. We scare her with it!


In Science, we are continuing to learn about the planets in the Solar System. We learned about 2 planets at a time. We learned how many moons each planet has, what the planet was named after and the size of each! Earth is pretty small when compared to other planets. I think our planet is pretty awesome, though!


In space Science, we learned about astronauts and the first people on the Moon! My favorite part was learning about the firs dog in space! I thought the dog looked so cute! The dog's name was Laika and it was the first animal to orbit the Earth. I got really sad when it said the dog died in the space cabin!
