Learning Log No. 25


We are learning about Roman gladiators in History. We learned about the things they wore and what they used to fight with. We looked at pictures of elephants that the Romans 'decorated' when they went into war with Carthage. I thought they looked pretty funny.


For art, my mom, sister, and I made 12 of these "love bugs" to give away on Valentine's Day. It required a lot of hot glue and patience gluing on all the tiny feet. They are made of glitter paper, pipe cleaners, and craft eyes. There was glitter everywhere when we were done. Right now, they are sitting on top of the fireplace until they find a home.


I am now learning about money in CTC Math. At first, I told my mom that I don't know how to count money and I was frustrated! After watching videos on the coins and what they're worth, I started to understand. I am learning how to make change with quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies. My mom wants me to count the money in my piggy bank for Math for the next lesson!
